
We have made the withdrawal process very easy for the convenience of our customers. You only need to log into your trading account and click on the withdrawal icon. Afterwards, the request is sent to the Financial Support section to process the withdrawal , The withdrawal request is processed within 3-5 business days. In the case that the requested amount is withdrawn from the capital, it will be transferred to the same source the deposit came from. In the case of withdrawal of profits, the amount will be transferred to your personal bank account. Please make sure when you withdraw money from your trading account that: – The withdrawn amount is greater than 50 – USD The amount withdrawn is less than your free balance   If there are any open deals at the moment of withdrawal, all deals will be closed (so as not to cause losses). It is important for us that you understand that we do not charge any fees for withdrawing money. Any transfer fees imposed by your bank are under your own responsibility.